At some paintball fields you only have the one field to play on – that’s not cool – because to be honest that can get a bit boring. At Jack Splat we have 5 very different, well thought out and well maintained fields that we run multiple combat scenarios on to ensure that you’re constantly being challenged.
With more fields opening soon.
Field #1 – Speedball
A large field comprised of numerous barricades positioned throughout. The layout of this field provides no advantages to either side, which means teamwork is a must and a lone player who pushes too far forward will almost certainly be eliminated because there are just too many barricades for the enemy to hide behind.
A popular game on this field is ‘Chemical Run’. This game is a variation of ‘Capture the Flag’ where players must capture and take a large drum to the opposing teams end. Again teamwork is a must if you want to win this game.
Field #2 – Tyre Dump
As the name suggests – this field has a lot of tyres! There are tyre barricades everywhere with a huge wall of tyres down one side perfect for flanking the enemy. Control over this wall is vital for good field position in this game.
Do you trust your team mates? Find out in a game of ‘Traitor’. This is an entertaining game we often play in the Tyre Dump. We give 1 or 2 players on each team the role of traitor and the objective of being the last person standing. So far the traitor has never won!
Field #3 – Road Rage
Made of traffic barriers, this field requires players to get low and look for good angles to engage the enemy. It’s a fast paced and intense field that rewards the players who are willing to move from barrier to barrier. Cover fire is crucial to a team’s success on the Road Rage field.
Field #4 – Tombstone
Often our most popular field, if you make it to the elevated fort in the middle of the field and you’ll have the perfect position to sweep the area for your enemy. Be careful with this tactic though or you’ll be surrounded and trapped inside the fort by cunning enemy taking cover in the numerous other buildings on the Tombstone field.
When playing this field players are able to ‘re-spawn’ in safe zones – making this field number one for non-stop action!
Field #5 – Dead Man’s Gully
Members Only Field – Dead Man’s Gully provides the ultimate bush combat experience. Two steep banks covered in thick bush provide the perfect background for recon and sniper missions. Adrenalin runs high in this field as every leaf and branch could conceal the enemy.